4 Unmissable Signs That Indicate an Overactive Bladder

4 Unmissable Signs That Indicate an Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder is a condition identified by the contraction of the urinary bladder wall muscles. These contractions are sudden and involuntary, and they often cause a urinary emergency. Thankfully, the tell-tell signs of an overactive bladder are not difficult to notice, which makes them easy to treat. Here are four unmissable warning signs of overactive bladder to facilitate early diagnosis and timely treatment: Reduced social interaction An overactive bladder does not only have physical effects but can also affect a person’s social life. People with this condition might be anxious about finding a bathroom all the time, and many avoid going out and socializing due to embarrassment. This cuts them out from their social circle, and it also takes a toll on mental health over time. Getting treatment for an overactive bladder can help reduce the symptoms and improve a patient’s quality of life. As part of the treatment, one can also incorporate certain lifestyle changes to help manage the symptoms effectively. Loss of sleep The frequency of bladder movements can tell a lot about a person’s bladder health. If one has to urinate more than twice during the night or more than eight times in a duration of 24 hours, it is one of the unmissable warning signs of an overactive bladder.
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Alcohol and Substance Abuse – Signs and Treatment Methods

Alcohol and Substance Abuse – Signs and Treatment Methods

Excess alcohol consumption or substance abuse can have severe effects on a person’s physical, mental, and social health. To fight alcohol and substance abuse, the first step is to identify the signs and then get treatment accordingly. Here are some signs and treatment approaches for alcohol and substance abuse. What are alcohol addiction and substance abuse? To understand the signs and treatment approaches for alcohol and substance abuse, one must first know these problems. Alcohol can affect different individuals in varying ways. While it can be a way to enjoy dinner with family or a get together with loved ones for some, it may become an addiction for others. If a person consumes alcohol in excess or indulges in it too regularly, they may become dependant on it and may be unable to control their consumption or temptation. This can indicate a bigger problem like alcohol abuse and extreme dependency. Alcohol or substance abuse is a condition that can have severe effects on a person’s mental wellbeing. It can cause an urge to use an illegal substance or prescription medications for experiencing a seeming “high,” and this urge can become uncontrollable. Once a person gets addicted, they continue using the substance regardless of the damage it causes them.
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7 Popular Contraceptives for Effective Birth Control

7 Popular Contraceptives for Effective Birth Control

Contraception methods help prevent unwanted pregnancies, and they can also prevent various sexually transmitted infections. Since there are so many contraceptives available in the market, one might often find themselves asking which one’s best for them. Besides, all contraceptives are not suitable for everyone and for every situation, so it’s necessary t understand the most suitable one. Here are seven popular methods of contraception that are effective: Male condoms These latex condoms are the most popular method of contraception. They protect against unwanted pregnancies and even prevent some sexually transmitted diseases. The effectiveness of condoms is high, and only 15% of cases lead to pregnancies every year. They are easily available and are an inexpensive method of contraception. Female condoms These thin pouches are made of plastic and can line the vagina to prevent the sperm from entering the female reproductive system. These can be placed up to 8 hours before intercourse, but they might not be as effective as male condoms. Diaphragm This dome-shaped rubber can be used by women before intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It should be placed over the cervix and should be used along with a spermicide. The chances of pregnancy are 16 out of 100 with this contraceptive.
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Asthma and Food Allergies –  Are They Related?

Asthma and Food Allergies – Are They Related?

The exact causes of asthma are yet to be known. But what we already know is that when an asthmatic person comes in contact with a trigger, their airways are narrowed, get inflamed, and are filled with mucus. From smoking to the weather, there a lot of triggers associated with asthma. But did you know asthma and food allergies are also related? If not, here are some important things that you need to know. Asthma and food allergies: How are they related? Asthma triggered by various allergies is common. As high as 80% of asthma patients get asthma allergies from various triggers such as grass, pollen, animal dander, mold, dust mites, and droppings of insects such as cockroaches. Just like these allergens, in some cases, certain types of foods can also trigger asthma. The reactions to food allergies can range anywhere between mild to seriously life-threatening. In very rare cases, food allergies will cause asthma, which will not be accompanied by some other symptoms. In people who have food allergies, asthma can be a severe reaction, which is known as anaphylaxis. Foods that can trigger allergic reactions include: Peanuts Eggs Tree nuts Wheat Soy Fish Salads Seafood such as shrimps Cow milk Fruits Food allergies and asthma:
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How Can You Treat and Prevent Multiple Sclerosis?

How Can You Treat and Prevent Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects almost 2.3 million people across the globe and approximately 4 lac individuals in our country. It attacks the central nervous system, due to which the brain receives delayed signals from the body. However, there are prevention and treatments of MS that people can follow. Prevention of multiple sclerosis Consultation Doctors haven’t been able to fully prevent MS, as this disease is still being understood by healthcare professionals. They say that a mix of genetics and environmental factors might be the reason why this illness develops. Early diagnosis MS is an aggressive disease and can cause permanent neurological damage. If you can diagnose MS quickly, you can start the right treatment immediately and keep it in check. Schedule regular doctor visits and plan to start the treatment as soon as possible. Any delays may make the condition worse. Treatment of multiple sclerosis Disease-modifying medications There may be no cure for the disease; however, certain medicines can help slow down the progression of MS. Oral medications like Aubagio, infused medicines like Lemtrada, and injected medicines like Copaxone are commonly prescribed to treat this condition. If the disease worsens, doctors can also suggest an injection of corticosteroids to reduce inflammation or plasmapheresis.
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4 Common Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

4 Common Treatments for Erectile Dysfunction

The number of men getting diagnosed with erectile dysfunction has been increasing. Thankfully, the treatment options to treat the condition have also increased with time. Other than pills, there are several treatment options that can be considered and can be even done at home. So, here are four common treatments for erectile dysfunction that can be considered. Penile injections An FDA-approved medicine, Alprostadil can be administered directly into the penis through an injection. It can help with getting a proper erection. This is one of the common treatments for men with erectile dysfunction who cannot take medication orally. The treatment as a high success rate of 85 percent. There can be some side effects of the treatment, which can include a burning sensation or priapism, a condition in which an erection can last for over four hours and can require a medical treatment. Regular exercise To treat erectile dysfunction, there are many lifestyle changes that can come handy. But out of all those, exercising regularly is the most effective one. Exercising regularly can work at various fronts and prevent the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. It also has the potential to reverse the effects of the condition. Regular exercise can give a boost to the blood flow, one of the most important factors for a strong erection.
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Understanding the Difference Between Acid Reflux and GERD

Understanding the Difference Between Acid Reflux and GERD

To understand the difference between acid reflux and GERD, it is important to understand how they are linked. Differentiating between an acid reflux, GERD, and a heartburn can be difficult since all three can have similar symptoms. But knowing the difference is extremely important to get the correct and timely treatment. So, here we help you understand the difference between acid reflux and GERD. What is acid reflux and GERD? Acid reflux and GERD are related. Therefore, the terms are used interchangeably. But that does not mean that they refer to the same condition. Gastroesophageal reflux, commonly known as acid reflux, is a condition in which the stomach acid flows backward to the esophagus. Acid reflux commonly causes a burning sensation in the chest which is known as heartburn. When this acid reflux progresses and takes a more severe form, it is known as gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. Difference between acid reflux and GERD symptoms The common symptoms to identify acid reflux include the following: Heartburn : This is a burning sensation that can move from the stomach to the chest or to the abdominal area. It can also sometimes move up to the throat. A sour acid flowing back to the throat or to the mouth, which is known as regurgitation.
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5 Healthy Habits for Cold and Flu Prevention

5 Healthy Habits for Cold and Flu Prevention

Cold and flu are among the most prevalent diseases. Statistics show that in our country, more than one billion cases of cold are diagnosed every year. In the case of flu, between 5 to 10 percent of the American population gets affected each year. Cold and flu both are respiratory diseases caused by viruses, and their symptoms are similar. How to prevent cold and flu and common remedies In general, unlike cold, flu can cause severe complications including pneumonia and may need hospitalization. As there is no cure for these contagious diseases, prevention is the best method to control it. Here you can find five such healthy habits that are basically common remedies for cold and flu. Vaccination An yearly vaccination is the first healthy habit you should build. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) recommends that you vaccinate every individual who is over six months old in your family except when they have allergies or certain other restrictions. Getting the vaccine is the most effective method for flu prevention. Unfortunately, no vaccine can help you protect against the common cold. Hygiene Washing hands is another healthy habit that you should follow to prevent cold and flu. Washing your hands frequently with warm water and soap can help you protect from germs, especially after coming in contact with people who are ill.
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4 Lifestyle Habits That Cause Hyperhidrosis

4 Lifestyle Habits That Cause Hyperhidrosis

It is natural to sweat in warm temperatures, during exercise, or stressful situations. However, people with a skin disorder like hyperhidrosis can sweat profusely even when the temperature is cool or there is no physical activity, anxiety, or nervousness. This unnecessary and excessive sweating can have an adverse effect on a person’s physical and mental health. Lifestyle habits that cause hyperhidrosis The causes of hyperhidrosis can be hereditary or due to a medical condition. However, certain lifestyle habits that cause hyperhidrosis. Below you can find examples of to can understand and manage the condition better. Diet You may experience excessive sweating due to certain foods in your diet. Foods with hot sauce, spices such as cumin or curry, and chocolate along with beverages like alcoholic drinks, caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, and soda can cause excessive sweating. Foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG) can also be a potential trigger. Limited intake of these food items can help you control your sweating. Clothes, shoes, and socks Your clothing habit can play a significant role in skin conditions like hyperhidrosis. Heavy and tight-fitting clothes trap your sweat and do not allow your skin to breathe. Moreover, synthetic fibers like nylon may worsen your condition.
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Urinary Tract Infections – Causes and Diagnosis

Urinary Tract Infections – Causes and Diagnosis

An infection that develops in any part of the urinary tract is referred to as a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). UTIs can be treated with antibiotics, but having the necessary information about the infection is important for the treatment to be effective. So, here’s everything you should know about the causes and diagnosis of UTI. What are the causes of UTI? UTIs can be caused by anything that interrupts the emptying of the bladder or causes irritation in the urinary tract. It is because of these infections that women are often recommended to clean themselves after urinating. Urethra refers to the tube that carries the urine from the bladder to remove it from the body, and this tube is located in proximity to the anus. Bacteria like E.coli can be found in the large intestines and sometimes can enter the urethra from the anus. The bacteria can then move up to the bladder if a UTI is left untreated, and it can go on to infect the kidneys as well. Women have a shorter urethra than men, which makes it easier for bacteria to enter their bladders. In some cases, sexual intercourse can also make bacteria enter the urinary tract.
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