Common Causes of Cervical Cancer

Common Causes of Cervical Cancer

The part of the uterus that connects with the vagina is known as the cervix. When cancer affects the cells of the cervix, it is referred to as cervical cancer. Human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease, is commonly found to be the cause of cervical cancer. Read on to know more about this disease. How is cervical cancer caused? Multiple strains of human papillomaviruses can cause cervical cancer, and prolonged infection caused by these viruses is the most common answer to the question of “what causes cervical cancer?.” The infection caused by HPVs are extremely common, and they do not always lead to the development of cervical cancer. Among over 100 types of HPVs, only certain types of these viruses have been linked to the development of cancer. The non-cancerous types of HPVs usually cause benign warts on the genitals or skin. The types of HPV that lead to cancer are commonly linked with cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men. HPVs can also be the cause of cancer affecting other parts of the body, including the throat, mouth, and anus. How does HPV spread? To understand what causes cervical cancer, it is necessary to understand the spread of HPVs.
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Causes and Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Causes and Symptoms of Nasal Polyps

Non-cancerous growths along the nasal passages are referred to as nasal polyps. When nasal polyps are small in size, they might not cause any visible symptoms. On the other hand, larger nasal polyps can be accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms. Anyone can be affected by this condition, so it is essential to know the causes and symptoms of nasal polyps. What causes nasal polyps? It is important to understand the causes and symptoms of nasal polyps to facilitate early diagnosis and timely treatment. The nasal mucosa has inflamed tissue in which nasal polyps usually grow, and it is this mucosa that provides protection to the inside part of the sinuses and the nose. It also helps with the humidification of the air that we inhale. In the case of an infection, the mucosa can experience swelling and redness. It can also start making fluid that keeps flowing out. If the infection or the irritation caused by the infection is left untreated, a polyp can form in the mucosa. This polyp is a small, non-cancerous growth that is tiny like a cyst and can create an obstruction in the nasal passage. Nasal polyps can affect anyone, including people without a history of nasal health issues.
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Early Symptoms and Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea

Early Symptoms and Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a common condition that is identified by blocked airways during sleep. It can interfere with your breathing several times at night and can also be fatal. If left untreated, the disorder can lead to other serious conditions such as diabetes and stroke. Therefore, it is important to know the early symptoms and sleep apnea to get the diagnosis and treatment on time. Here’s some ways to know the same. Early symptoms of sleep apnea Noisy sleeper Early diagnosis of the symptoms of sleep apnea can prove to play an essential role in controlling the condition. Therefore, if you have been snoring or snorting heavily while sleeping, you should not be ignoring it since it could be a warning sign. Although snoring always does not mean sleep apnea, the two conditions are usually found to be co-existing. Restless sleep If you have been moving and turning a lot in the bed while sleeping, it can be a warning sing that you should not ignore. People with sleep apnea often find themselves jerking their limbs or kicking at night. These signs must be taken into consideration. Persistent fatigue or tiredness If you have been waking up tired even after getting a complete night’s sleep, it can be a sign of sleep apnea.
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Symptoms and Treatment Options for Skin Cancer

Symptoms and Treatment Options for Skin Cancer

Learning everything about the symptoms and treatment options of skin cancer can prove to be extremely beneficial in controlling the condition. Usually, skin cancer symptoms are associated with a mole or a freckle. But in most cases, the symptoms depend on the skin cancer type. The treatment options are also dependent on various factors. This article discusses all of them in detail. Symptoms of various types of skin cancer Actinic keratosis Also referred to as precancer, this type is usually identified by lesions that are crusty or scaly. These lesions can appear on different parts of the body such as: Back of the hands Scalp Neck Lips Ears Face Forearms Shoulders In some cases, the size of these lesions can be so small that they can only be felt and not seen. They are usually red, but sometimes they can also be pink or tan color. Basal cell carcinoma The symptoms of this type of skin cancer can include: Developing a sore that does not go away even after a week or 10 days A patch on the skin which can get hurt or bleed out easily A bump that appears to be white, pink, or red on light colored skin.
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Risk Factors and Treatment Options for Melanoma

Risk Factors and Treatment Options for Melanoma

Several risk factors are associated with melanoma, which is a type of skin cancer. While some can be controlled, others might not be as easy to regulate. The treatment for this condition will largely depend on the stage of the cancer. Learning about the risk factors and treatment options of melanoma can prove to be extremely beneficial in fighting the disease. Here’s what you need to know. Risk factors associated with melanoma When you know about the risk factors and treatment options of melanoma, you can keep it under check better. There are various factors that increase the risk of developing melanoma. These include the following: Exposure to ultraviolet light Ultraviolet ray-exposure can be one of the main risk factors contributing to the development of melanoma. While the sun is the main source of these harmful UV rays, sun lamps and tan beds can also do a lot of damage. Regardless of the fact that UV rays are only a small part of rays emitted by the sun, they can still be biggest cause of skin damage. They can cause damage to the DNA inside the skin cells. Moles Moles are non-cancerous and pigmented tumors. In most cases, they are not a problem.
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Symptoms and Causes of Prostate Cancer

Symptoms and Causes of Prostate Cancer

In most cases, the symptoms of prostate cancer do not show up in the initial stages. Also, when they do, the symptoms for every individual can vary to large extent, making it hard to provide a diagnosis. The exact causes of prostate cancer are not yet known. However, medical professionals are aware of the risk factors of the condition and also what happens in various stages of the disease’s development. Keep reading to know more about the symptoms and causes of prostate cancer. Symptoms of prostate cancer The symptoms caused by the condition will largely depend on how advanced the disease has become. Based on the stages, the signs tend to be as follows. Warning signs at initial stages The prostate is located near the urethra and bladder. Therefore, prostate cancer can cause urinary symptoms also, especially when it is in its initial stages. Some of the symptoms at this stage include: Burning sensation while urinating Experiencing problems while stopping or starting urination No bladder control Reduced flow of urine Semen accompanied by blood Erectile dysfunction Experiencing pain while ejaculation Symptoms at advanced stages When the cancer spreads, it can start affecting nearby organs and even bones by developing tumors.
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Kidney Cancer Early Signs and Diagnosis

Kidney Cancer Early Signs and Diagnosis

Kidney cancer is the name of the disease in which the cells of kidney become malignant or cancerous. They tend to grow beyond control and form a tumor. Most of the cancer cells first appear in lining of the tubules in the kidney. Kidney cancers can usually be detected before they reach nearby organs, and thus can also be treated successfully. Let us have a look at some of the early signs and diagnosis of kidney cancer. Early signs of kidney cancer Blood in urine Blood in the urine is one of the most common symptoms of kidney cancer. This condition is known as hematuria and is seen in almost half of all the people who suffer from the condition as per Kidney Cancer Association. A small quantity of blood in urine can cause it to change color to pink or brownish. In some cases, if the blood content is more, the color could be yellow. However, several times, the color change might not be visible except in a urinalysis. Some other reasons for blood in urine are kidney infection, bladder infection, or a cyst. Pain in the lower back While back pain is one of the common occurrences among people over the age of 40 years, it can also be as an early sign of kidney cancer.
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Early Signs and Triggers of Ovarian Cancer

Early Signs and Triggers of Ovarian Cancer

Diagnosing ovarian cancer in its initial stages can be difficult since its symptoms resemble with that of several other conditions. Hence, knowing everything about the early signs of the condition is essential. The exact trigger cause of ovarian cancer is not known yet. However, there are several factors that increase risk of the disease. As a precaution, here is everything that must know about the early signs and trigger causes of ovarian cancer. Early signs of ovarian cancer For a long time, ovarian cancer has been known as a silent killer since it does not cause any early symptoms. But the condition might not be as secretive as it has been thought to be. There are some early signs that can help in identifying the disease. These include the following, among other symptoms. Bloating in the abdomen area It is common for women to feel discomfort or fullness in the belly area. Menstrual cycles are the most common reasons behind this bloating. Although it is normal for women to feel this symptom, if the pain does not go away for up to three weeks, it can be a sign of ovarian cancer. Constipation Gastrointestinal problems can be related to several health issues:
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Early Symptoms and Causes of Leukemia

Early Symptoms and Causes of Leukemia

Leukemia is the cancer that damages the blood-forming tissues like the bone marrow and lymphatic system. There are several types of leukemia, and some are even common in children. However, most of the forms of the disease occur in adults. The treatment for leukemia depends on its kind and the more advanced the case, the more advanced the procedures. An example of treatment would be from cord blood banking, where healthy individuals donate blood from their baby’s umbilical cord after birth to help individuals battling leukemia and provide them with healthy stem cells. Let us understand the early symptoms and causes of leukemia. Symptoms of leukemia Its symptoms vary depending on the age of a person and the type of leukemia. However, some of the common ones are listed here. Poor blood clotting The blood might not clot, resulting in easy bleeding even from minor bruises. Further, the process of healing can be slowed down drastically. This could also lead to the formation of petechiae, which are purple and red spots on the body. These can indicate difficulty in clotting of blood. Platelets, which are very important for clotting of blood, may be surrounded by immature while blood cells, which often leads to petechiae.
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Causes and Diagnosis of Lymphoma

Causes and Diagnosis of Lymphoma

When cancer affects the lymphatic system, it is known as lymphoma. The actual cause of lymphoma is yet to be determined. However, what is known is that it is caused by genetic mutation of white blood cells. Routine screenings are not available for the condition; however, there are several other tests that help with the diagnosis of lymphoma. Here’s everything you need to know about causes and diagnosis of lymphoma. Causes of lymphoma The actual cause of lymphoma is yet to be known by the doctors. But what is known is that the condition develops when there is a gene mutation on white blood cells, lymphocytes, which fight the disease. Due to the mutation, the cells start multiplying abnormally. Soon, the mutated cells outnumber the healthy cells. This causes the presence of excessive mutated and diseased lymphocytes in the lymph nodes. As a result, the lymph nodes, liver, and the spleen start to swell. There are various factors that can contribute to the development of the condition. These include the following: Age While certain types of the condition are more commonly seen in young adults, others are more commonly seen affecting adults over 55. Gender Males are at a greater risk of developing lymphoma than females.
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