Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors of ADHD

Symptoms, Causes and Risk Factors of ADHD

ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is a neurological condition mostly affecting children. It impacts the brain’s ability to focus and execute tasks. People suffering from ADHD find it hard to concentrate. There are many symptoms, causes, and risk factors of ADHD. Let us learn about a few of them. Symptoms are as follows: Interruptions People or children who have been diagnosed with ADHD have trouble sitting still, and they interrupt conversations between people. This is due to the self-focused behavior of the person, meaning the person isn’t able to identify other’s needs. Emotional outbursts Those with ADHD may find it challenging to keep their emotions at bay. They may have emotional outbursts at inappropriate times. In children, we can also see temper tantrums. Fidgeting It is difficult for a person with ADHD to sit still for a long period. Because they are hyperactive, they will fidget too much. Get up or wiggle in their seat and become uncomfortable when they are forced to sit for longer than desired. Lack of concentration Even if you are talking to a person with ADHD directly, they may lose focus during the conversation and get distracted. They have trouble paying attention, and even if they claim they heard what you said, they won’t remember it soon after.
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The Most Common Types of Anemia

The Most Common Types of Anemia

Anemia is a condition identified by the inadequacy of red blood cells in the body. These cells are important since they carry hemoglobin and iron throughout the body. There are several types of anemia, but all of them lead to a drop in the red blood cell count in the body. The two most common types of anemia that you should know about are listed here for you: Aplastic anemia Bone marrow is a soft tissue located at the center of the bones. Aplastic anemia, one of the most common types of anemia, is when the bone marrow stops making adequate healthy blood cells. It is because of this that the condition is also sometimes known as bone marrow failure. As per the Aplastic Anemia and MDS International Foundation, there are 600 to 900 people affected by this condition every year in America. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases says that the disease affects both the genders equally. It is commonly found to affect adults between 20 and 25 and those aged 60. The cause of the condition is not known yet. But it is commonly believed to inherited or acquired. Inherited aplastic anemia is less common than acquired form.
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Easily Overlooked Signs of Colon Cancer

Easily Overlooked Signs of Colon Cancer

Cancer in its initial stages might not cause any symptoms at all. But it is also important to note that when the cancer is diagnosed at an asymptomatic stage, it can be easy to treat. Therefore, it is important not to overlook any sign that it may be causing cancer in your body. Here are some signs of colon cancer that can easily be overlooked. Blood in stool Gastrointestinal bleeding can be caused due to cancer. Blood with stool is commonly a sign of colon cancer. People who have colon cancer can experience rectal bleeding. Also, they can find their stool has become darker due to the presence of blood. Anemia Anemia can also be one of the signs of colon cancer that can easily be overlooked. But anemia can be a result of gastrointestinal bleeding in colon cancer patients. Due to anemia, the red blood cell count drops in the body. This leads to a scarcity of enough red blood cells in the body to carry oxygen to various body parts. Abdominal pain or discomfort that does not go away Abdominal pain can be caused due to several reasons. From food allergies to viruses, anything can cause pain or discomfort in the abdomen.
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Common Symptoms and Types of Breast Cancer

Common Symptoms and Types of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer can cause various symptoms that can depend on the type and the part of the breast affected. The types of breast cancer are usually based on how the cancer cells will look under a microscope. These symptoms and types of breast cancer help determine the course of treatment and prognosis for a patient. Mentioned below what you need to know about them. Common symptoms of breast cancer In some cases of breast cancer, there might not be any symptoms of the condition. However, the presence of a mass can be easily seen by a doctor with the help of a mammogram. The most common symptom associated with breast cancer is the fining of a lump in the breast. However, there are other potential symptoms of the condition that can occur without having a noticeable breast lump. These can include the following: Skin texture changes Breast cancer can affect the skin cells and cause inflammation and changes. This changes the skin’s texture. These changes can be in the form of: The appearance of scales around the nipples and areola. The skin will look like it suffers sunburns or has become extremely dry Thickening of the breast skin Discharge from the nipple Discharge from the nipple can be another common symptom of breast cancer.
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5 Commonly Overlooked Signs of Hepatitis C

5 Commonly Overlooked Signs of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C virus can go unnoticed very easily. Sometimes, people might not notice any symptoms at all. Most people do not get any symptoms. So, it is essential to be aware of any warning signs of the disease that can help you with the diagnosis. So, here are 5 common signs of hepatitis C that are easily overlooked, but shouldn’t be. Changes in appetite This is one of the most typical signs of hepatitis C that are easily overlooked. When the condition has progressed, it can cause a dysfunctional liver. Due to this dysfunction, there can be a build-up of fluid in the abdomen. This is known as ascites. This can make you feel as if you have eaten a lot, even when you haven’t. This is a symptom that occurs when hepatitis C has progressed to a more severe stage. If there is any discomfort or bloating in the abdomen, you must rush to see your doctor. Pain in the abdomen Our liver is located in the upper right part of the abdomen. Since hepatitis C affects the liver, pain in the abdomen can be a common symptom. Although pain in the abdomen can be caused due to other conditions, it can also be a warning sign for severe liver cancer or chronic liver disease.
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Diagnosis and Treatment of Spinal Muscle Atrophy

Diagnosis and Treatment of Spinal Muscle Atrophy

Spinal muscle atrophy is the condition that usually affects infants and is identified by difficulty with muscle usage. Although there’s no cure for the condition, with timely treatment, the symptoms can be relieved, and further complications can be prevented. So, here’s what you should know about diagnosis and treatments for spinal muscle atrophy. Spinal muscle atrophy diagnosis Usually, the diagnosis of spinal muscle atrophy is done through a blood test. A blood test can determine the presence of the SMN1 gene. In around 95 percent of the cases, this gene will not be found. In about 5 percent of the cases, this gene will be found to be mutated. The symptoms of spinal muscle atrophy can be similar to several other conditions. Therefore, if the doctor suspects that the infant might have spinal muscle atrophy, he might order some tests to rule out other conditions. These tests can include: Nerve tests During these tests, small patches are put on the child’s skin, and then electrical impulses are sent through nerves. This is done to check if these messages are being sent to the muscle or not. Computed tomography This can be ordered to get detailed pictures inside the body of the child.
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Arthritis Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

Arthritis Symptoms, Causes, and Risk Factors

Arthritis is the inflammation of joints in your body. The most common way that arthritis presents itself is through joint pain. There are many symptoms, causes, and risk factors of arthritis that we should be careful of. If we experience any of these, we should see a doctor. Symptoms Arthritis symptoms are easy to notice, and if these persist for a long time, you must visit a doctor. If left untreated for a long time, it can have harmful effects. Some common signs of arthritis include: Pain in joints Redness around the area Swelling in the affected area Restricted movement; you find your joints to be stiff and it hurts when you try to move them Joints lack their full range of motion If you have rheumatoid arthritis, you may also experience fatigue and loss of appetite because your immune system attacks your body. Causes Cartilage Cartilage is a firm yet flexible tissue inside the joints of our body. This tissue absorbs shocks or pressure and protects our joints. This wear-and-tear to the cartilage can weaken the joints and cause pain and restricted movement. This weakening of the joints can happen over several years or suddenly due to an infection or injury.
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Common Known Causes and Diagnosis of Cancer

Common Known Causes and Diagnosis of Cancer

Cancer, which is a fairly broad term, refers to the condition wherein abnormal cells grow and divide uncontrollably. While some types of cancer could lead to rapid growth in the cells, some might result in slow growth and division. In most cases of this disease, one can see the growth of cells in the form of tumors, while in others like leukemia, the growth is not visible. Let us look at some of the causes of cancer and procedures for its diagnosis. Causes of cancer Accumulated damage to genes causes cancer. This damage may be due to exposure to carcinogenic substances, that are toxic for the body. A carcinogen can refer to certain chemical substances, like molecules that are found in tobacco smoke. Cancer may also be caused due to environmental, genetic, or viral factors. Some of the commonly known factors that lead to cancer include: Tobacco smoking: Lung cancer, which is one of the most common cancers, is caused by smoking. In addition, there are other types of cancer like oral cancer, and cancer of the bladder, cervix, esophagus, and larynx, that can also be caused due to smoking. Thus, the biggest advice to avoid any kind of cancer is to quit smoking.
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Common Early Symptoms and Causes of Hemophilia

Common Early Symptoms and Causes of Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a particular disorder due to which there is an inadequate clotting of blood. This happens because the body lacks blood-clotting proteins. In case of an injury, the bleeding occurs for a longer duration. While small cuts may not be so much of a hassle, deeper cuts can result in damage to organs and tissues. Let us take a look at some of the common early symptoms of hemophilia and its causes. Early symptoms of hemophilia The symptoms of hemophilia can largely depend on the level that clotting is occurring at, or lack thereof. If there is a mild reduction in the clotting-factor level, one may bleed only in case there has been a surgery or a traumatic injury. In case the clotting-factor is severe, one can even experience sudden and unexpected bleeding. Some of the signs of spontaneous bleeding can include: Excessive bleeding from injuries or cuts that should not otherwise lead to so much bleeding. This could also happen after one has undergone a surgery or some kind of dental work Several large bruises on the body of the person Unusual bleeding after vaccinations Pain or tightening of joints or even swelling in some cases Presence of blood in stool or urine Sudden nosebleed without any apparent reason Unexplained irritability in infants Apart from the above, bleeding into the brain can be one of the rare but severe symptoms.
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Different Types and Symptoms of DVT

Different Types and Symptoms of DVT

Deep vein thrombosis, or DVT, is a condition that is caused due to clotting of blood inside a vein deep in the body. A blood clot is identified as a blood clump that has turned solid. Based on how long the blood clot has been present, DVT is classified into two types: acute and chronic. Let’s learn more about these different types of DVT here. Acute deep vein thrombosis There are two main different types of DVT and one of them is acute DVT. These are classified on the basis of the duration of the blood clot. Sometimes blood clots can form without any warning. Once the clot is formed and has stayed around for about 14 days or less, it is categorized as acute. In such cases, since the clot has not been around for a long time, it does not get too hard or stick firmly to the vein walls. Hence, treating DVT gets easier. Often, when acute DVT is diagnosed in the early stages, a simple medication to dissolve the clot can easily treat the condition. When it comes to identifying the signs and symptoms of any condition, in most cases, the patient is the first person to realize something is wrong.
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