How Diet Affects Migraine Occurrence

How Diet Affects Migraine Occurrence

About 12 percent of the population, including children, can suffer from a migraine at any point in time, as per a report by the Migraine Research Foundation. Research has proven that there is a link between migraines and the diet of the individual. There are foods that trigger migraines, and there are cases where hunger also leads to headaches and migraines. Here are a few points on how certain dietary habits affect or prevent migraines.

Elimination diet
One of the major reasons for headaches or migraines are foods that trigger. Researchers have linked migraines to many foods that directly or indirectly induce a migraine, and they have come up with a diet that is called the Migraine-elimination diet. Eliminating the known foods that trigger headaches or migraines is the main principle here.

Foods such as cheese, alcohol, coffee, tomatoes, citrus fruits are known to cause headaches and migraines. Eliminating them completely from the diet has proven to decrease the frequency of migraines significantly. While eliminating the triggers, it is also advised to include more healthy foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats more into the daily diet. This means that one is only choosing a healthier lifestyle.

Skipping meals or fasting
Fasting once in a while is a great way to detox and reduce fat in the body. Many cultures around the world encourage fasting as a positive way to wellbeing; however, when having migraines, the body needs to prepare itself for a fast. Doctors advise that those having a migraine should not miss their meals or fast; in fact, they recommend having smaller meals for more number of times throughout each day. This supplies the body with the essential nutrition and increases metabolism while reducing the risks of having migraines.

Watch your diet
All food triggers do not induce a migraine for all. However, there are standard foods that research has proven to be a trigger. For example, chocolate, which is considered a popular food trigger for migraines, has been debunked as a myth. Some doctors suggest that the craving for chocolate acts as a trigger than eating the chocolate, so when a person craves for chocolate, the migraine has already begun, and he or she is eating it with a migraine already. In conclusion, it is necessary to watch and record what one eats every meal or even in between every meal. Maintaining a food journal or app can help track what one eats and understand the migraine pattern. Sharing the journal with a doctor can enhance the understanding of an individual’s migraine disorder.

The foremost reason for many illnesses and migraine is dehydration. A properly hydrated body is known to function like a well-greased machine. What starts as a mild headache during dehydration can quickly escalate to severe or unbearable migraine within minutes. Drinking the right amount of water is also key to keeping migraines at bay. Choosing water over carbonated and sweetened drinks, coffee, and alcohol can lead to longer sustenance of water in the body.