What to Do Now to Prevent Osteoporosis

What to Do Now to Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a well known and very common bone disease that causes bone density loss. Most people with osteoporosis don’t know they have it until experiencing some sort of bone fracture. The disease causes insufficient bone growth or loss giving way to bones fracturing very easily. Symptoms of osteoporosis being change in posture or loss of height. Women, especially in their menopausal years, have a higher risk of developing the disease than men.

To have to worry about breaking a bone executing the most mundane of duties imaginable. However, there are a few preventative measures one can take to avoid developing the osteoporosis:

1. Schedule regular bone screenings
If osteoporosis is a concern of yours or if you suffer from a low t-score, bone density screenings are a must. This is literally the only way to test for osteoporosis and a great way to try and prevent its development. Women are normally recommended to get their first bone density test around 65. While men are expected to start at 70 due to women being more susceptible to developing osteoporosis sooner than men. But nothing will stop you from getting tested sooner if you feel as if you must so definitely go for it.

2. Vitamin D
We all heard of the saying milk builds strong bones well while that may not be a hundred percent true, vitamin D does. Calcium and phosphorus can be taken in by the body much easier with the assistance of vitamin D. Together with calcium vitamin D will help women build strong bones. Another great option is Evenity Romosozumab-aqqg for postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Both methods are amazing at helping with the growth of strong healthy bones in those who struggle with osteoporosis

3. Yoga
Studies have proven that yoga can help increase your bone density. Of course, it must be done right and regularly to work. Another good thing about yoga is the amazing flexibility and balance that comes from it. Trust me it can come in real handy if your bones start weakening.

4. Consume a calcium rich diet
Eating plenty of dairy, fruits, and veggies as well as fish can be a good way to keep osteoporosis at bay. A calcium rich diet accompanied by fruits, fish, and veggies gives you that awesome blend of vitamin D and calcium. A blend that we learned can be very beneficial for healthy bone growth and strength.

5. Stop smoking
Smoking can decrease bone mass and mineral density. Not only that it’s also the cause of numerous other health issues. So, it should go without saying that quitting is the best thing you can do for your overall health period. Why risk making yourself even more vulnerable to osteoporosis and/or several other health problems.

6. Resistance training exercise
One fascinating fact about using resistance training to combat osteoporosis is the possibility of new bone growth. Weightlifting, aerobics, and cardio when done consistently over time can help with preventing fractures. Exercising daily can also be very beneficial for your overall health too.