Causes and Diagnosis of Lymphoma

Causes and Diagnosis of Lymphoma

When cancer affects the lymphatic system, it is known as lymphoma. The actual cause of lymphoma is yet to be determined. However, what is known is that it is caused by genetic mutation of white blood cells. Routine screenings are not available for the condition; however, there are several other tests that help with the diagnosis of lymphoma.

Here’s everything you need to know about causes and diagnosis of lymphoma.

Causes of lymphoma
The actual cause of lymphoma is yet to be known by the doctors. But what is known is that the condition develops when there is a gene mutation on white blood cells, lymphocytes, which fight the disease. Due to the mutation, the cells start multiplying abnormally. Soon, the mutated cells outnumber the healthy cells. This causes the presence of excessive mutated and diseased lymphocytes in the lymph nodes. As a result, the lymph nodes, liver, and the spleen start to swell.

There are various factors that can contribute to the development of the condition. These include the following:

  1. Age
    While certain types of the condition are more commonly seen in young adults, others are more commonly seen affecting adults over 55.
  2. Gender
    Males are at a greater risk of developing lymphoma than females.
  3. Weak immune system
    The condition commonly affects people who suffer from diseases that affect their immune system, or people who are on immune system-suppressive drugs.
  4. Certain infections
    There are certain infections that increase the risk of developing lymphoma. These include Helicobacter pylori infection and Epstein-Barr virus.

Diagnosis for lymphoma
There are various procedures and tests that can be used to diagnose lymphoma. These include the following:

  • A physical exam
    During a physical exam, the doctor will look for any swelling in the lymph nodes in various parts of the body. These will include the neck, the groin, and the underarm. He will also look for swelling in the liver and in the spleen.
  • Lymph node testing
    A biopsy of the lymph node can be recommended by the doctor in some cases. For this, some part of the lymph node maybe removed and sent to a lab for testing. Some advanced tests can help in determining the presence and type of lymphoma cells.
  • Blood tests
    A blood sample can be asked to look for the number of cells present in the blood. This can be helpful for the doctor trying to diagnose the condition.
  • Bone marrow sampling
    A biopsy on the bone marrow can be ordered to diagnose lymphoma in some cases. To get the sample of the bone marrow, a needle will be inserted into the hipbone. The sample is then sent for analysis and to check for the presence of lymphoma cells.

This article on the causes of lymphoma and process to diagnose it can be used to understand the condition better and act in a timely manner if the symptoms are observed.