Symptoms and Causes of Prostate Cancer

Symptoms and Causes of Prostate Cancer

In most cases, the symptoms of prostate cancer do not show up in the initial stages. Also, when they do, the symptoms for every individual can vary to large extent, making it hard to provide a diagnosis.

The exact causes of prostate cancer are not yet known. However, medical professionals are aware of the risk factors of the condition and also what happens in various stages of the disease’s development. Keep reading to know more about the symptoms and causes of prostate cancer.

Symptoms of prostate cancer
The symptoms caused by the condition will largely depend on how advanced the disease has become. Based on the stages, the signs tend to be as follows.

Warning signs at initial stages
The prostate is located near the urethra and bladder. Therefore, prostate cancer can cause urinary symptoms also, especially when it is in its initial stages. Some of the symptoms at this stage include:

  • Burning sensation while urinating
  • Experiencing problems while stopping or starting urination
  • No bladder control
  • Reduced flow of urine
  • Semen accompanied by blood
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Experiencing pain while ejaculation

Symptoms at advanced stages
When the cancer spreads, it can start affecting nearby organs and even bones by developing tumors. If it reaches the spinal cord, it can start pressing the nerves present there and can develop the following symptoms:

  • Swollen pelvic area or legs
  • Painful or numb feet, legs, or hips
  • Constant pain in the bones that can even lead to fractures

Symptoms caused by recurrent prostate cancer
When the prostate cancer comes back after it has been treated, it is termed as recurrent prostate cancer. If affects the prostate and the area around it, and the condition is known as local recurrence. But if it has affected some other body part, it is considered to be metastatic. The symptoms at this stage include the following:

  • Urine accompanied by blood
  • Trouble while urinating
  • Pain in the lower back area
  • Tiredness
  • Breathlessness
  • Jaundice

Causes of prostate cancer
Knowing the symptoms and causes of prostate cancer can help in fighting the condition more effectively. Although the exact cause of prostate cancer is yet to be known, what is known by the doctors is that the cancer starts with the abnormalities in the prostate cells. When there is a mutation in the DNA of these abnormal cells, they start to multiply faster than the normal cells. These cells do not die easily and live longer than normal cells.

There are several risk factors that can contribute to the development of the condition. These include:

  • Age: The risk of the condition keeps increasing with age.
  • Race and ethnicity: Although the reasons behind this are yet to be determined, the risk of prostate cancer is higher in men of African descent.
  • Body weight: Obesity can play a role in the development and advancement of the disease; men with obesity are at a higher risk of having advanced prostate cancer, which is not easy to treat.