Recommended Fruits for Arthritis Patients

Recommended Fruits for Arthritis Patients

Arthritis symptoms can be quite painful and debilitating. Patients may find it difficult to complete routine daily activities, like climbing stairs, driving, or getting up from a chair without pain. The good news is that a healthy diet, including certain fresh fruits, may help to alleviate symptoms of inflammation and joint pain. The following fruits are known for their anti-inflammatory and pain reducing benefits:

1. Strawberries

Strawberries are filled with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. A medical study published by the Arthritis Foundation, monitored the effects of strawberries on 38,786 female participants with arthritis. All participants were asked to eat two servings of strawberries per week. The study findings showed that strawberry consumption lowered the elevated inflammatory markers in a patient’s blood by approximdately 14 percent.

2. Grapes

Grapes should be a part of the arthritis diet because they have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. A study published by the National Institutes of Health monitored the inflammation in 24 male patients with arthritis. Participants were asked to eat 1.5 cups of grape powder for three weeks. The results of the study showed that the grapes helped reduce inflammation in the blood. Grapes also have proanthocyanidin, which is a compound that can reduce the pain of arthritis.

3. Watermelon

CRP is an inflammatory marker that can produce inflammation in the body. It also has beta-cryptoxanthin, which can reduce the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally, watermelons contain lycopene, an antioxidant that can lower the risk of arthritis. Watermelon is also known to reduce the risk of cancer and heart attack, thanks to its high water content. Eating foods that are high in water can make it easier for you to manage your weight. Excess body weight is one of the risk factors for developing arthritis due to excess stress on the joints. Keep in mind that one cup of watermelon only has 40 calories in it. Furthermore, this fruit is high in vitamin A and vitamin C.

4. Tart cherries

The same antioxidants that give tart cherries their red color also help ease the symptoms of arthritis. In fact, some studies suggest that tart cherries have the same effects as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory properties. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to treat arthritis. Tart cherries can also treat gout. This is a form of arthritis that occurs when uric acid builds up inside of joints. Tart cherries can help improve your sleep quality and quantity, which many arthritis patients struggle with.

5. Avocado

The healthy monounsaturated fat is what gives avocados their creamy texture. Avocados are one of the few fruits that are high in vitamin E. Studies have shown that vitamin E can help protect against arthritis. Furthermore, avocado can lower your bad cholesterol while increasing your good cholesterol. Even though avocados are high in fat, they are still good for weight management.