Old Fashioned Remedies for Eczema

Old Fashioned Remedies for Eczema

Eczema, a type of atopic dermatitis, is an inflammatory skin condition marked by symptoms of dry skin, itching, redness, small raised bumps, cracked thickened skin, scales, and sensitive, raw skin. While there is currently no known cures for eczema; doctors often prescribe topical medications to ease the symptoms. There are also a number of old fashioned remedies that eczema sufferers depend on, such as:

1. Colloidal oatmeal baths
One old fashioned remedy is a colloidal oatmeal bath. The colloidal oatmeal helps to soothe the redness and itchiness of the skin. It acts as a protective layer for the skin and can even help balance the pH level of the surface of the skin. When the oatmeal is added to a bath it doesn’t sink to the bottom allowing it to cover your skin and be more effective as a treatment.

2. Aloe vera gel
Aloe vera gel is a natural antibacterial moisturizer. It can help to rehydrate any dry itchy skin and will even help to keep the skin from becoming infected. Over time it will help to reduce redness as well. This natural remedy is a common, easy to find healing gel for skin. Specifically for eczema it greatly affects the signs and symptoms.

3. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is made when the apple cider ferments. When you apply this to eczema it helps to restore the proper pH level of the skin. Eczema raises skin’s pH levels. Apple cider vinegar, among other remedies, helps to bring that pH level back down where it needs to be which is typically around 5. Also, like aloe vera, it helps to prevent infections. The fermented cider helps to kill harmful bacteria.

4. Coconut oil
A great attribute of coconut oil for eczema is it’s antimicrobial. That means it is very effective at killing bacteria on your skin that can harm your skin or worsen the existing eczema. Coconut oil is also a highly effective moisturizer. The oily property helps it cling to your skin and not easily run or rub off allowing the oil to soak in and hydrate.

5. Honey
Similar to some other remedies honey is a very effective moisturizer. Honey, like coconut oil, clings to the skin, soaks in, and hydrates very well. It also helps prevent any possible infections of the skin. Another great thing about honey for eczema is it helps to heal the damage. The viscosity, moisturizing properties, and antimicrobial factors make honey a great healing substance. You can also get honey products specifically designed to help heal such as manuka honey products.

6. Tea tree oil
There are two main properties of tea tree oil that make it a good old fashioned remedy. First it is anti-inflammatory which helps reduce redness, pain, and itchiness in the skin. It also has a distinct anti-itching property to help the skin from breaking due to scratching. Pairing tea tree oil with moisturizers is a very effective treatment of eczema.

There are several products that exist today that claim to help with eczema. However, these old fashioned remedies tend to be highly effective. There is a reason why they have stuck around for so many years. If you pair multiple remedies together their effectiveness increases and lowers your healing time. While they may not cure eczema, they certainly treat the symptoms and reduce the issues that come with the skin condition. Be sure to check with your doctor before adopting any home or old fashioned remedy.