How Can You Treat and Prevent Multiple Sclerosis?

How Can You Treat and Prevent Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects almost 2.3 million people across the globe and approximately 4 lac individuals in our country. It attacks the central nervous system, due to which the brain receives delayed signals from the body. However, there are prevention and treatments of MS that people can follow.

Prevention of multiple sclerosis

  • Consultation
    Doctors haven’t been able to fully prevent MS, as this disease is still being understood by healthcare professionals. They say that a mix of genetics and environmental factors might be the reason why this illness develops.
  • Early diagnosis
    MS is an aggressive disease and can cause permanent neurological damage. If you can diagnose MS quickly, you can start the right treatment immediately and keep it in check. Schedule regular doctor visits and plan to start the treatment as soon as possible. Any delays may make the condition worse.

Treatment of multiple sclerosis

  • Disease-modifying medications
    There may be no cure for the disease; however, certain medicines can help slow down the progression of MS. Oral medications like Aubagio, infused medicines like Lemtrada, and injected medicines like Copaxone are commonly prescribed to treat this condition. If the disease worsens, doctors can also suggest an injection of corticosteroids to reduce inflammation or plasmapheresis.
  • Diet
    People who are overweight are at risk of developing MS. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain a healthy diet. Those who have been diagnosed with MS should stay away from foods high in saturated fats like junk food. Make sure to include plenty of vitamin D in your diet through foods like mushrooms, milk, and soy milk.
  • IV steroids
    The most common MS treatment is the infusion of intravenous medicines for three to five days. Other oral steroids like prednisone can also work well to soothe the MS flare-up. It is a cheaper alternative and doesn’t require you to go to the doctor’s office every time to administer.
  • Beta interferons
    The most common medicines to treat MS are beta interferons. They can prevent MS flare-ups. These medicines have side effects, as they are of a strong dosage and you may have flu-like symptoms when you take them. They may also make you more prone to infection, as they reduce the level of white blood cells in your body.
  • Deep brain stimulation (DBS)
    DBS is another way to treat a disease like MS. In this procedure, the doctor essentially ‘turns off’ a part of your brain without destroying it. It has many advantages over surgery. For instance, the stimulation can be adjusted and it doesn’t permanently remove a part of your brain.

Prevention and treatment of MS aren’t easy, but with the right doctor and treatment plan, this disease can be controlled in a way that it doesn’t interfere with everyday life.