Easy Ways to Fix the 5 Top Lawn Problems

Easy Ways to Fix the 5 Top Lawn Problems

A healthy lawn has several advantages. First and foremost, a healthy lawn prevents soil erosion. It absorbs rainfall and prevents water from running off. Studies have also shown that having a healthy lawn increases the value of your property by about 15-20%. Unfortunately, having a healthy lawn requires consistent maintenance work. Without it, you may encounter problems such as pests, poor grass growth, weed, and dog urine. Below is a list of ways to maintain your lawn:

1. Mow high and regularly

If your lawn is experiencing poor grass growth because of persistent weeds or crabgrass, you can try mowing high. By mowing high, you can control the growth of weeds, saving your lawn and your wallet from the need for weed-killers. Additionally, by mowing high, you create room for root growth, which makes the grass more drought- and grub-tolerant. 

2. Test the soil

Before planting anything on your lawn, it is essential that you test your soil. Your lawn may have soil that is compact and not porous, which makes it impossible for plants to grow. Additionally, soil might have a high pH or lack certain nutrients, which can affect the growth of various plants. Luckily, testing soil can help you determine its deficiencies and come up with a plan to supplement it with fertilizer and mulch. 

3. Fertilize and mulch 

For a healthy lawn, fertilize and mulch frequently. Mulching refers to the process of covering soil with organic matter. This process prevents evaporation of moisture and, at the same time, increases the nutrients and improves the fertility of the soil. Additionally, it is also advisable to use environment-friendly fertilizers, many of which are now widely available on the market, to improve soil fertility. 

4. Water early

In case your lawn is showing signs of drying up or you have grass patches that have begun to discolor, an easy solution is to start watering your lawn as soon as possible. If you are experiencing rainfall, there is probably no need to water your grass; however, if you are in a dry period, you can choose to water the grass manually or connect sprinklers to ensure that your lawn is always properly hydrated. 

5. Train your dog

Having a dog that often urinates on your lawn can adversely affect it. Dog urine contains urea, which is high in nitrogen and is not suitable for the soil. If you can’t train your dog to urinate in a designated area, consider running water through the patches where your pets urinate to dilute the urine.

6. Consider hiring lawn service professionals

Depending on how green and healthy you want your lawn, you can also seek professional assistance. A local business should be well versed in the your area’s environment — simply search for “lawn care near me”, and select a reputable company. These lawn care providers should guide you on the best products and methods to use in the future.