Common Causes of Cervical Cancer

Common Causes of Cervical Cancer

The part of the uterus that connects with the vagina is known as the cervix. When cancer affects the cells of the cervix, it is referred to as cervical cancer. Human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted disease, is commonly found to be the cause of cervical cancer. Read on to know more about this disease.

How is cervical cancer caused?
Multiple strains of human papillomaviruses can cause cervical cancer, and prolonged infection caused by these viruses is the most common answer to the question of “what causes cervical cancer?.” The infection caused by HPVs are extremely common, and they do not always lead to the development of cervical cancer. Among over 100 types of HPVs, only certain types of these viruses have been linked to the development of cancer. The non-cancerous types of HPVs usually cause benign warts on the genitals or skin.

The types of HPV that lead to cancer are commonly linked with cervical cancer in women and penile cancer in men. HPVs can also be the cause of cancer affecting other parts of the body, including the throat, mouth, and anus.

How does HPV spread?
To understand what causes cervical cancer, it is necessary to understand the spread of HPVs. The infections caused by HPVs commonly spread through skin contact or sexual contact with an infected person. Several studies have shown how common HPV infections are, and they have also claimed that most people get infected by HPVs at some point in their lives.

How are HPV infections resolved?
In most cases, the viral infections resolve on their own without any external medical intervention. However, in some cases, the infection continues and leads to precancerous changes in the body that affect the cells in the cervix. The changes caused to the cervical cells can be determined with the help of periodical cervical cancer screening, which is called a Pap test. During the screening, a cell sample is collected from the cervix with the help of a swab or a brush, and it is sent to a lab to check for any abnormal appearances in the cells.

Can genes cause cervical cancer?
In answer to the question of “what causes cervical cancer,” any genetic causes are yet to be known, but the disease can run through generations in some cases. Women who have a mother or a sister suffering from cervical cancer are at a higher risk of developing the disease. However, it is still undetermined whether the genetic tendency of the condition is a result of an inherited condition that makes some women more susceptible to contracting HPV infections than others.