Causes and Prevention of Dandruff

Causes and Prevention of Dandruff

Dandruff is one of the most common skin conditions in the country, with about half of the country’s adult population suffering from it. When it comes to skin diseases like dandruff, causes, and prevention are often closely related. Thus, in order to treat your dandruff, first, you need to identify the causes.

Here are some common causes of dandruff.

  • Shampoo
    Shampoos can cause dandruff as some shampoos are not compatible with your skin type. Sometimes, not shampooing enough times can also cause dandruff, and may leave you with flaky skin and an itching scalp. Shampooing more frequently can also irritate your skin and cause dryness, which may ultimately lead to dandruff.
  • Irregular hair brushing
    Brushing your hair regularly helps in the natural process of shedding skin on the scalp. An irregular schedule of hair brushing can also lead to dandruff, as it may lead to an accumulation of dead skin cells on your scalp.
  • Lifestyle issues
    Several lifestyle issues can also result in dandruff. A lack of food items containing vitamin B, zinc, and some types of fats can sometimes lead to dandruff. Stress is also a significant cause when it comes to dandruff and many other skin conditions.

Prevention tips
Here are some tips for the prevention of dandruff.

  • Reduce carbohydrate intake
    Doctors believe that carbohydrate-rich foods like bread, sugar, and dairy lead to the accumulation of glycogen on your skin, which often results in a dandruff-causing yeast infection. High-carb food items also stimulate the oil-producing sebaceous glands, which may lead to excessively oily skin, which is also a common cause of dandruff. Thus, cutting down carbs may help in reducing the symptoms of dandruff.
  • Increase the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids
    Omega-3 fatty acids manage oil production in your sebaceous glands. As a result, a deficiency of these fatty acids may lead to dry skin, flaky scalp, and dandruff. Including omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can reduce symptoms of dandruff, such as irritation and itchiness. To get more omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, you should try consuming chia seeds, flax seeds, and walnuts.
  • Consider applying aloe vera
    Aloe vera is a common remedy for many skin conditions. It is also considered effective in reducing the occurrence of dandruff because of its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Studies have also shown that aloe vera can help in reducing the symptoms of dandruff, such as inflammation.
  • Exfoliate the scalp
    Exfoliating your scalp may help remove the top layer of dead skin that may build up on your head, leading to dandruff. You can exfoliate your scalp with products that contain salicylic acid or dissolvable granules.

Although dandruff is not a difficult hair condition, it can be a source of embarrassment. However, as the causes and prevention of dandruff go hand in hand, dandruff can be easily treated with home remedies and medications once the cause is identified.