Foods to Avoid for Ulcerative Colitis Patients

Foods to Avoid for Ulcerative Colitis Patients

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a bowel disease that causes painful ulcers in the digestive tract. Because this condition affects the large intestine, attention is directed towards the foods one eats. A few foods soothe this condition, while a few others feed the sores and intensify colitis symptoms. There is no single diet that helps cure this intestinal condition, but eliminating some food items helps assuage symptoms and manage the situation better. Trial and error is the only way to identify the triggers. This article lists the worst foods that generally affect people experiencing this autoimmune disease. High fiber foods It is common knowledge that fibrous foods help in the right functioning of the digestive system. But in the case of ulcerative colitis patients, fibrous foods could increase bowel movements, and exacerbate painful sores in the colon and rectum. So fiber-rich foods must be avoided to decrease the number of visits to the bathroom. Also, these foods might escalate abdominal pain and bloating (because of gas), conditions that already exist in patients with this chronic condition. Alcohol Alcohol causes symptoms that are almost identical to ulcerative colitis in some people. Hence, consuming it would add fuel to the fire and make the condition more intense.
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5 Diabetes-Friendly Late Night Snacks

5 Diabetes-Friendly Late Night Snacks

To help control blood sugar levels for type 1 and type 2 diabetics, it is important to pick low sugar snacks, especially before bedtime. If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, your doctor may recommend avoiding high starch foods such as those with gluten like baked goods, bread, white pasta and rice, oats, or vegetables like potatoes and corn. Eating these types of foods can lead to a spike in blood sugar levels. Instead, try protein rich foods or foods high in fiber. The following foods are filling and will keep you satisfied late at night: 1. Deviled eggs Hard boiled eggs are a great snack for diabetics. Eggs are loaded with protein, which is filling so you will be less likely to snack on undesirables. To make your egg intake a little less bland you can try cutting out the yokes after they are boiled and mixing it with light mayo, mustard powder, pepper and only a dash of salt. Pack it back into the boiled egg white for a tasty treat. These are great to keep on hand for those nights when a plain egg just won’t do. 2. Guacamole The great thing about guacamole is that it’s delicious.
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Recommended Fruits for Arthritis Patients

Recommended Fruits for Arthritis Patients

Arthritis symptoms can be quite painful and debilitating. Patients may find it difficult to complete routine daily activities, like climbing stairs, driving, or getting up from a chair without pain. The good news is that a healthy diet, including certain fresh fruits, may help to alleviate symptoms of inflammation and joint pain. The following fruits are known for their anti-inflammatory and pain reducing benefits: 1. Strawberries Strawberries are filled with antioxidants that can reduce inflammation. A medical study published by the Arthritis Foundation, monitored the effects of strawberries on 38,786 female participants with arthritis. All participants were asked to eat two servings of strawberries per week. The study findings showed that strawberry consumption lowered the elevated inflammatory markers in a patient’s blood by approximdately 14 percent. 2. Grapes Grapes should be a part of the arthritis diet because they have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. A study published by the National Institutes of Health monitored the inflammation in 24 male patients with arthritis. Participants were asked to eat 1.5 cups of grape powder for three weeks. The results of the study showed that the grapes helped reduce inflammation in the blood. Grapes also have proanthocyanidin, which is a compound that can reduce the pain of arthritis.
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Foods that Aggravate Breathing Problems

Foods that Aggravate Breathing Problems

Accoring to the U.S. Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), more than 25 million people suffer from asthma, while 14.8 million adults have been diagnosed with COPD in America. Breathing problems, despite the underlying cause, can be triggered by a variety of factors, such as hot or cold temperatures, certain smells, and even foods. Some common foods that aggravate breathing problems are: 1. Acidic foods and drinks In the esophagus, a ring of muscle that forms a valve controls stomach acid from washing up into the throat (GERD). If this valve fails to open frequently, acids may accumulate in the stomach and eventually move into the esophagus. GERD causes frequent heartburn, or acid reflux disease, which is dangerous for people with lung disease as it will increase their symptoms. This can be controlled by avoiding the consumption of acidic foods and drinks (i.e., citrus, coffee, and spicy foods). 2. Carbonated beverages It is no surprise that carbonated drinks are on the list as one of the foods that aggravate breathing problems. Plus, many carbonated beverages are filled with sugar, leading to weight gain, particularly in the belly region. Carbonated drinks are also gas inducing due to the bubbles.
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6 Foods That Keep And Bowel Disease GERD At Bay

6 Foods That Keep And Bowel Disease GERD At Bay

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common digestive disorder that occurs when stomach acid flows back to the esophagus, a tube that connects the stomach with the mouth. This acidic reflux results in irritation on the lining of the esophagus. The condition usually occurs due to the malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a muscle responsible for keeping the stomach acid at bay. In more serious cases, digestive related symptoms may indicate a more serious bowel disease that requires treatment. In normal conditions, LES relaxes to allow food to flow into the stomach and closes up to prevent flow-back. Many individuals suffering from the condition experience heartburn, difficulty swallowing, chest pains, sour liquid, regurgitation of food, and a lump in the throat. In extreme cases, patients may experience disrupted sleep, laryngitis, chronic cough, and worsening asthma. Treatment medication, such as Nexium heartburn medication, may reduce the symptoms significantly. Also, people asking what’s causing my heartburn should try out these foods: 1. Ginger Ginger is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Medics refer to ginger as a natural treatment for GERD and other digestive properties. In most cases, GERD happens due to the inflammation of the lower esophageal sphincter muscle. Ginger reduces inflammation and reduces the likelihood of stomach acid flowing back to the esophagus.
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5 Popular Snacks That are Harmful for Kids

5 Popular Snacks That are Harmful for Kids

Day to day life with kids is busy. With running to and from school, practices, play dates, planning meals and grabbing kids snacks that are healthy quickly become secondary thoughts. Convenient packaged foods are the easy choice both for dealing with time constraints and for ensuring a willing child eater. As selective eaters, kids generally love a sugary, tasty snack and not so much a bunch of vegetables: 1. Juice boxes As far as juice boxes go some options are better than others. The low-end options are basically a direct sugar infusion. Kids love them because they taste great and parents love them for simplicity, and they don’t have to fight to get the kids to hydrate. 100% fruit juice is not all created equally so be careful with labels – look for low sugar content and minimal additives. A juice box should be considered a treat and not a staple to a child’s diet. 2. Lunch combo packs A package that offers a “complete” meal is so easy to grab and feel good that you’re providing a well-rounded diet. The problem is that invariably the contents within that package have as many downsides as they do benefit, if not more.
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5 Detoxifying Drinks to Help Cleanse the Lungs

5 Detoxifying Drinks to Help Cleanse the Lungs

Currently, over 26 million people in the United States suffer from asthma. With an estimated 5 to 10 percent of that number dealing with the symptoms of severe asthma. Severe chronic asthma does not respond effectively to standard medical treatments, such as inhaled bronchodilator medicines and inhaled corticosteroids. There are specific symptoms of severe chronic asthma that need to be monitored very carefully such as cough, tightening or pain in the chest, wheezing, and shortness of breath that does not decrease but continues to get worse and leads to an asthma attack. It is very important to seek medical attention when symptoms start increasing at a rapid rate because with asthma, ignoring the symptoms can be potentially life-threatening. In addition to seeing a doctor for treatment, there are several drinks that can help detoxify the lungs: 1. Green tea Green tea is an effective anti-inflammatory. This is because it contains a lot of antioxidants. It also contains caffeine and caffeine is effective at relaxing airways temporarily. This makes it an effective drink for those with asthma. 2. Cinnamon tea Cinnamon can be a very effective reliever for the respiratory system. It is helpful at reducing phlegm in the throat and has antibacterial properties that can be beneficial to those suffering from asthma.
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5 Cancer Causing Foods and Drinks

5 Cancer Causing Foods and Drinks

Cancer is defined by uncontrolled cell growth. It starts when cells begin to grow uncontrollably by dividing without stopping. The cells form lumps called tumors, which can be benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). The various types of cancer include prostate cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, colon and rectal cancer, and skin cancer, among others.  There is no effective treatment for cancer, but there are several methods of treatment that can help manage the symptoms, such as surgery, car t cell therapy immunotherapy, enzalutamide for advanced prostate cancer, and chemotherapy. In addition to doctor prescribed cancer treatments, several foods and drinks can also help prevent tumor development and help patients reduce the side effects of cancer treatment. 1. Processed meat Processed meats and deli meats contain preservatives and other harmful chemicals that are carcinogenic. These include nitrates, salt, and sodium benzoate, among others. Carcinogenic chemicals damage the body and cause tumors. They can also cause colorectal cancer, liver, and lung cancer, among others. Refined meat also contains high amounts of protein, leading to increased acidity in the body. High acid levels cause the body to produce more stomach acid, damaging cells in the digestive system. This can lead to low immunity and an increased risk of developing cancer.
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5 Foods to Avoid for Managing ADHD

5 Foods to Avoid for Managing ADHD

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects behavior, attention span, and perception. It is usually diagnosed during childhood or adolescence, but it can be present at any age. ADHD affects many patients differently, but often comes with s symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, irritability, and problems concentrating. Many parents with ADHD kids find success with lifestyle and dietary changes, used in combination with doctor-prescribed medications and behavioral therapies. For instance, the following foods are linked to significantly worse ADHD symptoms:  1. Refined sugar The number one trigger for managing ADHD symptoms is to moderate refined sugar. Although sugar itself isn’t necessarily bad for most people, in ADHD patients, refined sugar causes a spike in blood glucose levels in the body. Due to this rapid rise, insulin levels increase, which creates the perfect storm for energy dips in children with ADHD. This may result in sluggishness, irritability, and fatigue. It can even lead to seizures in particularly sensitive patients. 2. White flour Another food that should be avoided or limited by those with ADHD is white flour. These processed grains contain gluten, which is linked to digestive issues and constipation. Both of which can worsen ADHD symptoms since they disrupt normal bowel movements in addition to causing headaches and dizziness.
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The Best Smoothies for Arthritis and Joint Pain

The Best Smoothies for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Arthritis and osteoporosis are two of the most common conditions affecting bone and joint health, leading to chronic pain and inflammation. The symptoms associated with these conditions can be challenging to manage, but making healthy dietary choices can make a significant difference. Smoothies can be an excellent way to incorporate essential nutrients that support bone health and reduce inflammation. Here are five smoothie ingredients that can help manage arthritis and joint pain: 1. Flaxseed Flaxseed is rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an omega-3 fatty acid that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation can exacerbate arthritis symptoms, making flaxseed an excellent addition to any smoothie intended to manage joint pain. Flaxseed is also high in lignans, compounds that can help reduce the risk of osteoporosis. 2. Spinach Dark greens or spinach are rich in calcium and vitamin K, both essential nutrients for bone health. Vitamin K helps to regulate calcium absorption, ensuring that it is properly utilized to support bone density. Spinach is also an excellent source of antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress. 3. Dried figs Dried figs are a good source of calcium and magnesium, two minerals that work together to support bone health.
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