Treatments Options for Age-Related Hair Loss

Treatments Options for Age-Related Hair Loss

Aging can make many women experience hair loss. It is most common in postmenopausal females since as many as two-thirds of these women experience bald spots or hair thinning. Age-related hair loss can have an emotional impact on most women. Thankfully, there are some treatments that help overcome these issues. So, here are certain ways  how you can treat age-related hair loss  in women.

Minoxidil is FDA approved medicine that h as been popularly used for treating hair loss. Sold under the name Rogaine, the medicine can be easily purchased over the counter. Both men and women have reported a high satisfaction rate after using the treatment. The medication promotes hair growth and can also increase the growth cycle. It thickens the hair and reduces the widening space between the hair parting. There are two concentrations available for the treatment. While the 2% solution can be applied two times daily, the 5% solution can be applied once a day for best results.

Avoid washing hair frequently
The frequency of washing the hair largely depends on the type of hair a person has. However, generally, washing the hair too much can make it brittle and dry. Avoid overusing the shampoo, but make sure that you clean the scalp two times a week. Choose and stick to the shampoo designed specifically for your type of hair and is made with mild ingredients.

Light therapy
Although light therapy in itself might not be your answer for  how to treat age-related hair loss , it can give a boost to the effects of treatments for hair loss, like minoxidil. A published trial showed how people of a controlled group recovered better from hair when they added light therapy to their 5% minoxidil treatment. They were also found to be more satisfied with the results of the treatment. However, some more research will be required to prove the efficiency of this treatment.

Corticosteroid injections can also prove to be an effective treatment for age-related hair loss in women. This treatment is only used when necessary, such as in conditions like alopecia areata. This is a condition that makes a person’s hair fall from random patches on the scalp. According to the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, corticosteroid injections can promote the growth of new hair when given directly to the scalp. But this treatment might not be able to prevent the falling out of the hair from the scalp.

Hormone therapy
If menopause has been the cause behind hair loss, doctors can prescribe hormone therapy as a treatment. Hormone replacement can be a part of treatment in such cases. Antiandrogen medicines can also be used to treat age-related hair loss. However, these medicines can have unwanted side effects. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor before starting any medications.