7 Popular Contraceptives for Effective Birth Control

7 Popular Contraceptives for Effective Birth Control

Contraception methods help prevent unwanted pregnancies, and they can also prevent various sexually transmitted infections. Since there are so many contraceptives available in the market, one might often find themselves asking which one’s best for them. Besides, all contraceptives are not suitable for everyone and for every situation, so it’s necessary t understand the most suitable one. Here are seven popular methods of contraception that are effective:

  • Male condoms
    These latex condoms are the most popular method of contraception. They protect against unwanted pregnancies and even prevent some sexually transmitted diseases. The effectiveness of condoms is high, and only 15% of cases lead to pregnancies every year. They are easily available and are an inexpensive method of contraception.
  • Female condoms
    These thin pouches are made of plastic and can line the vagina to prevent the sperm from entering the female reproductive system. These can be placed up to 8 hours before intercourse, but they might not be as effective as male condoms.
  • Diaphragm
    This dome-shaped rubber can be used by women before intercourse to prevent unwanted pregnancies. It should be placed over the cervix and should be used along with a spermicide. The chances of pregnancy are 16 out of 100 with this contraceptive.
  • Spermicide
    This is another popular method of contraception. It comes in foam, jelly, or cream form and kills the sperms to prevent conception. It is placed inside the vagina up to 30 minutes before intercourse. Regular use of this method can, however, lead to vaginal irritation and make women prone to sexually transmitted diseases and infections. This contraception is often used in combination with other methods of birth control.
  • Cervical cap
    A cervical cap, also known as FemCap, is somewhat the same as a diaphragm but a size smaller. It is placed over the cervix and should be used with spermicide to ensure the best results. It can stay in place for about 48 hours and is an inexpensive method of contraception.
  • Birth control sponge
    This is a foam that has spermicide, and it needs to be placed against the cervix up to 24 hours before intercourse. It is as effective as a cervical cap in preventing unwanted pregnancies. One does not have to take a doctor’s help to get the sponge fitted. Additionally, no prescription is required for this contraceptive, and it is effective immediately.
  • Birth control pills
    Among the most popular methods of contraception used by women, these pills use the hormones progestin and estrogen to prevent ovulation and pregnancy. When taken in the right manner, they can be extremely effective. Only 8% of the women who take these pills regularly get pregnant. That being said, these pills require a prescription to be purchased.