6 Hacks to Manage Dry Eyes

6 Hacks to Manage Dry Eyes

Having chronic dry eyes is an uncomfortable situation that no one wants to be in. Dry eyes happen when the tear ducts are not able to provide the correct amount of moisture to the eye. Chronic dry eyes symptoms include, the eye being red, inflamed, dry and the feeling of something being stuck in the eye. Chronic dry eyes treatment can be done at home with these six hacks:

1. Eat flaxseed
Flaxseed is a nutritional seed that is used for many different health benefits. One of which is helping with chronic dry eyes. In recent years flaxseed has been called a “super food” because of all the nutritional value it has. They provide a good amount of protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are what will help with the dry eyes. The fatty acids help to correct the balance of oil in tears.

2. Apply warm eye compresses
When the eyes are dry, adding a warm compress can help to relieve some of the discomfort. The compress is also great for helping the tear ducts produce tears more efficiently. The warmth from the compresses can help the tear glands to start working better.

3. Consume foods rich in omega-3 fats
Every time the eye blinks, tears are moistening the eye. However, when the eyes are dry this is not happening correctly. Tears are made up of a balance of water, oil and mucus. This combination covers the eye with each blink and keeps the eyes from drying out. When the balance is off this can cause the eyes to become dry. Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fats can help with this balance. If the oil balance in the tears is off then consuming these foods will increase that balance. Allowing for the eyes to begin moistening properly again.

4. Run a humidifier
Humidifiers put moisture into the air. When the air has adequate moisture the tears on the eyes will evaporate slower. This will allow for the eyes to stay moist longer and be more comfortable. This can be especially important in dry climates or in the summer when AC units are going. AC will dehumidify the air, so running a humidifier may help with the dryness of the eyes.

5. Drink lots of water
Drinking enough water is a very important part of keeping the eyes from becoming dry. When our bodies dehydrate, they will allocate that water for other parts of the bodies. This will take the water away from the tear ducts, throwing off the balance. The tear ducts need that water to constantly be covering the eyes to provide optimal comfort.

6. Take screen breaks
Walking away from the screen during the day and giving your eyes a break is an important part of keeping the eyes from drying out. Most people blink every 10 seconds, but when starting at a screen this time lessens. When the eyes blink less, they are not getting the optimal hydration they need to keep from drying out. Try stepping away every twenty minutes or so to give the eyes a break. If work prohibits breaking this often, then take advantage of any break you do have. Make sure screens are put away during that time to give the eyes a rest. Give the eyes a break as often as possible.