5 Commonly Overlooked Signs of Hepatitis C

5 Commonly Overlooked Signs of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C virus can go unnoticed very easily. Sometimes, people might not notice any symptoms at all. Most people do not get any symptoms. So, it is essential to be aware of any warning signs of the disease that can help you with the diagnosis. So, here are 5 common signs of hepatitis C that are easily overlooked, but shouldn’t be.

  • Changes in appetite
    This is one of the most typical signs of hepatitis C that are easily overlooked. When the condition has progressed, it can cause a dysfunctional liver. Due to this dysfunction, there can be a build-up of fluid in the abdomen. This is known as ascites. This can make you feel as if you have eaten a lot, even when you haven’t. This is a symptom that occurs when hepatitis C has progressed to a more severe stage. If there is any discomfort or bloating in the abdomen, you must rush to see your doctor.
  • Pain in the abdomen
    Our liver is located in the upper right part of the abdomen. Since hepatitis C affects the liver, pain in the abdomen can be a common symptom. Although pain in the abdomen can be caused due to other conditions, it can also be a warning sign for severe liver cancer or chronic liver disease.
  • Unexplained weight loss
    If there is any loss in the bodyweight when you are not trying, it can be due to hepatitis C. When hepatitis C causes a chronic infection, the scarring of the liver is possible; this phenomenon is known as cirrhosis. This liver cirrhosis can lead to poor nutrition in the body due to appetite loss, problems with digestion, constant vomiting, and hormone secretion. This eventually results in loss of weight since the body starts to use the essential tissue.
  • Itchiness of the skin
    As many as 20 percent of the hepatitis C patients suffer from the itchiness of the skin or pruritus. It has also been noted that this is a symptom that develops at the advanced stages of liver cirrhosis or liver damage. If there is unexplained and extreme itchiness in various parts of the body, such as feet and hands, you must not ignore it and consult a doctor at the earliest.
  • The appearance of marks on the skin
    Liver damage can lead to a spike in estrogen levels. When this hormone reaches higher levels, it makes the spider angiomas, the spider blood vessels, start appearing under the skin. These blood vessels look like lines coming out from small dots. These marks go away on their own, but some people also go for laser treatments to get rid of them. But what is important to note is that these marks are warning signs that your liver is dysfunctional.