4 Lifestyle Habits That Cause Hyperhidrosis

4 Lifestyle Habits That Cause Hyperhidrosis

It is natural to sweat in warm temperatures, during exercise, or stressful situations. However, people with a skin disorder like hyperhidrosis can sweat profusely even when the temperature is cool or there is no physical activity, anxiety, or nervousness. This unnecessary and excessive sweating can have an adverse effect on a person’s physical and mental health.

Lifestyle habits that cause hyperhidrosis
The causes of hyperhidrosis can be hereditary or due to a medical condition. However, certain lifestyle habits that cause hyperhidrosis. Below you can find examples of to can understand and manage the condition better.

  • Diet
    You may experience excessive sweating due to certain foods in your diet. Foods with hot sauce, spices such as cumin or curry, and chocolate along with beverages like alcoholic drinks, caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, and soda can cause excessive sweating. Foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG) can also be a potential trigger. Limited intake of these food items can help you control your sweating.
  • Clothes, shoes, and socks
    Your clothing habit can play a significant role in skin conditions like hyperhidrosis. Heavy and tight-fitting clothes trap your sweat and do not allow your skin to breathe. Moreover, synthetic fibers like nylon may worsen your condition. Clothing made of natural fabrics such as cotton, silk, and wool lets your skin breathe. During exercise, you may choose fabrics that absorb your sweat. Moreover, for daily use, you may wear leather shoes because natural material allows air circulation and reduces perspiration. Socks made of natural fibers such as polypro and merino wool wick moisture away from your feet. Try changing your socks once or twice a day and occasionally slipping out of your shoes to reduce sweat in your feet.
  • Personal hygiene
    Irregular bathing habits can worsen your symptoms of hyperhidrosis. The number of bacteria increases and triggers excessive sweating if you do not bathe daily. Regular bathing helps to control the number of bacteria on your skin. Hence, the lack of proper bathing habits can lead to excessive sweating.
  • Substance abuse issues
    Using addictive substances can lead to a flux of the body’s temperature regulation process and results in excessive release of sweat. Therefore, the consumption of these substances negatively affects the body’s natural sweating process.

A condition like hyperhidrosis can interfere with the quality of your life by undue embarrassment and discomfort. Feeling extremely anxious, you may refrain from engaging in physical and social activity. Moreover, it can lead to complications like bacterial and nail infections, warts, and heat rash. However, you must keep track of the lifestyle habits that cause hyperhidrosis, as discussed above, so that you can manage excessive sweating. If the condition heavily interferes with your physical and mental health, you must consult a doctor.