3 Healthy Snack Recipes for Energetic Children

3 Healthy Snack Recipes for Energetic Children

Kids can be bustling most of the time. They seem to have energy that lasts throughout the day. Eagerness to learn and a curious nature are just a few reasons why some children can be so full of energy all the time. And as parents or caregivers, it is up to you to keep them well-nourished so that they can pursue their goals. Helping you in that regard are three popular healthy snack recipes that are ideal for energetic children.

Egg omelet
Let us start with the ubiquitous egg. Hens nurtured with organic feed and allowed to move around in open, natural spaces like a barn or poultry farm lay more flavorful eggs. Also, because no antibiotics are allowed, organic eggs tend to be safer for children.

Providing 71% calories, one single egg from free-ranging hens also contains 5-6% fats and proteins. Not only that, the percentage of selenium, phosphorus, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamin B complex that are present in natural eggs are quite beneficial for active children. Vitamin B helps break down protein, carbohydrates, and fats into energy required by the body. Phosphorus plays a crucial role in deciding how the body uses energy. Apart from helping in the growth, maintenance, and repair of cells and tissues, phosphorus works with B vitamins to store energy too.

Why are you waiting? Stock your pantry with fresh, organic eggs to spin up an omelet in a jiffy the next time your little one is hungry between meals.

Recipe: Break a couple of eggs in a bowl. Beat this well to get a smooth texture. To this, add finely cut tomatoes, onions, spinach, tomato, bell pepper, olives, mushrooms, and grated carrots. Mix a little salt and some crushed black pepper to the egg and vegetable bowl, and spread this mixture on a hot pan. Wait till both sides get cooked, remove onto a serving plate, garnish with freshly grated cheese, spring onion greens, and dill leaves and see it relished in no time.

Sweet and juicy watermelon sticks
A refreshingly juicy fruit, the brightly colored watermelon is an all-time favorite with kids. Providing hydration for energetic kids, watermelon contains 30% calories and some sodium, potassium, carbohydrate, fiber, sugar, protein, Vitamins A and C, and iron too.

Boosting immunity to fight infections, improving digestion, and bursting with antioxidants, helping to strengthen bones and regulate muscle functioning, watermelon can be cut into neat stacks and enjoyed with a sweet-tasting yogurt dip.

Recipe: In a bowl, mix thick natural yogurt with some honey and cinnamon powder. You can add a few drops of vanilla extract and bits of fresh mint leaves too. Now sit back and watch your kid enjoying this healthy snack.

Cheesy kale quesadilla
Cheddar cheese contains calcium, protein, sodium, and saturated fats. The calcium in cheese helps build strong and healthy bones and teeth, aids in quick blood clotting and wound healing, and promotes cell building and repair. Since cheese helps stimulate the cultivation of healthy gut bacteria in energetic kids, it can be had 2-3 times a week.

Lively, spirited kids need not worry about gaining weight from cheese because they can burn off the fat with their active lifestyle.

Vibrant green kale contains fat-soluble Vitamin A that sharpens your kid’s vision, concentrated calcium that takes care of your child’s bone health, immunity building Vitamin C, and fiber that keeps their gut clean.

Recipe: In a pan, heat some butter or olive oil, saute onions, bell pepper, and kale with a little salt. Cook this without making it mushy. Keep this aside and warm up tortillas. Place the vegetable filling on one side of the tortilla, grate some cheddar cheese, sprinkle a little crushed black pepper and paprika, fold and place on the hot pan for a minute until the cheese melts a little, and then serve.
Energetic kids will surely be in for a treat when this cheesy kale quesadilla is served with a cup of sour cream.